
10 ways to tell your dog you love him

10 ways to tell your dog you love him

Just like humans, dogs and other pets have emotions running deep. You will observe how much your dog is so excited and happy to be around you. That...

Top 10 best cats for cuddling

Top 10 best cats for cuddling

Are you searching for cute and adorable cats for cuddling for you and your family? Have no fear, as there are several cat breeds renowned for snugg...

Yelling at your dog can have lasting negative effects

Yelling at your dog can have lasting negative effects

Acquiring a dog is one of the best steps you would love to take, but you have to note that having a furry friend at home comes with a lot of respon...

How to properly pet your cat

How to properly pet your cat

Many of us opt for a cat pet because it looks cute and expects it to love our gentle touch all the time. With cats, more often than we think, petti...

Can CBD oil help my dog with joint pain?

Can CBD oil help my dog with joint pain?

It can be frustrating seeing your dog being unable to move due to joint pains. Well, you don’t have to be angry seeing your frisky dog being restri...

What is the proper way to take care of your cat’s hygiene?

What is the proper way to take care of your cat’s hygiene?

Cаtѕ аrе hуgiеnе-соnѕсiоuѕ аnimаlѕ. Thе constant cleaning оr washing  through uѕing thеir tongue iѕ a сlеаr indication thаt thеу аrе capable оf grо...

10 health benefits of having a pet dog

10 health benefits of having a pet dog

Dogs are no doubt cute and adorable because they bring so much joy to our lives. Apart from being a pet and another member of the family, there are...

Common symptoms and causes of allergies in dogs

Common symptoms and causes of allergies in dogs

Ever heard a dog owner say that his dog has allergies? Do you have a feeling that the cause of your dog’s restlessness could be attributed to aller...

Best Christmas gifts for your pet

Best Christmas gifts for your pet

With thе Chriѕtmаѕ ѕеаѕоn rарidlу approaching, реорlе'ѕ pets аrе vеrу оftеn рut оn gift-giving liѕtѕ. Evеrу year during Dесеmbеr, there аrе аlwауѕ ...

7 helpful tips on how to best care for old dogs

7 helpful tips on how to best care for old dogs

You will be making a big mistake if you think old dogs have the same care requirements as younger dogs. There is a huge difference. In fact, caring...

How to properly introduce your new feline friend to an existing pet

How to properly introduce your new feline friend to an existing pet

Cats are very affectionate pets and great friends with their owners. That is the reason you would find cat owners tend to have more than one cat in...

9 ways owners stress their dogs

9 ways owners stress their dogs

Dogs are historically one of man's best friends for so many reasons. One of them is that having a loyal dog can serve as a useful companion any day...