Do Cats Like Classical Music and How Can It Help With Anxiety?

Classical music has long been associated with relaxation, but do cats like classical music? Can it help cats with anxiety? In this blog, we'll take a look at the benefits of classical music for cats, see if cats like classical music, learn which type of classical music is best for cats, and explore some research on the effectiveness of classical music for reducing cat anxiety.

We'll also discuss how to play classical music for your cat and the best classical music for cats, as well as other ways to help reduce cat anxiety. Finally, we'll talk about the benefits of classical music for humans and offer some tips for selecting classical music for your cat.

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What are the Benefits of Classical Music for Cats?

Classical music is known to have a calming effect on humans, but what about cats? Can cats enjoy classical music, or is it just background noise to them? Studies have shown that cats can benefit from listening to classical music, just as humans do. Listening to classical music can help cats relax and reduce stress, making it an ideal choice for reducing cat anxiety.

In addition to reducing anxiety, classical music can also encourage cats to play and explore their environment. Cats are naturally curious creatures, and classical music can help them stay active and engaged with their surroundings. Classical music can also help cats stay focused on tasks. For instance, if you're training your cat to stay off the counter or not to scratch furniture, playing classical music can help keep them focused on the task.

Do Cats Like Classical Music?

So, do cats like classical music? The answer is yes. While cats may not appreciate the complexity of classical music the same way humans do, they can still recognize and enjoy the calming effects of classical music.

In fact, studies have shown that cats prefer classical music to other genres such as rock or pop. This is likely due to the fact that classical music has a slower tempo and more predictable rhythm. Cats are sensitive to sound and can be easily overwhelmed by loud, disruptive noises, making classical music an ideal choice.

What Type of Classical Music is Best for Cats?

When it comes to classical music, not all pieces are created equal. While cats may enjoy any type of classical music, certain types may be more effective at reducing anxiety than others. Research has shown that pieces with a slower tempo, such as those composed by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, are more effective at reducing cat anxiety than those with a faster tempo.

Soft, calming pieces such as those composed by Debussy and Chopin are also effective at reducing cat anxiety. However, it's important to be mindful of the volume when playing classical music for cats. Too loud, and the music can be overwhelming; too soft, and the cat may not benefit from the calming effects. When selecting classical music for cats, it's best to choose pieces with a calming tempo and moderate volume.

Research on the Effectiveness of Classical Music for Reducing Cat Anxiety

While cats may enjoy classical music, what does the research say about its effectiveness for reducing cat anxiety? Several studies have shown that classical music can indeed help reduce cat anxiety. One study found that cats exposed to classical music displayed lower levels of stress when compared to cats exposed to other types of music.

Another study found that cats exposed to classical music had lower heart rates and blood pressure levels than cats exposed to other types of music. This suggests that classical music can have a calming effect on cats, reducing their stress levels and helping them to relax.

How to Play Classical Music for Your Cat

Now that we know cats can benefit from classical music, how do you play it for your cat? The easiest way is to put on a classical music station and let it play in the background. This is especially helpful if your cat is in an area where they can hear the music but not be disturbed by it. Alternatively, you can create a playlist of classical music to play specifically for your cat.

Make sure to select pieces with a calming tempo and moderate volume. Remember, cats are sensitive to sound and can be easily overwhelmed by loud, disruptive noises. It's also important to keep the music playing for at least 20 minutes to ensure that your cat has enough time to benefit from the calming effects of the music.

The Best Classical Music for Cats

So, what is the best classical music for cats? As mentioned above, pieces composed by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven are ideal for reducing cat anxiety due to their slower tempo. Pieces composed by Debussy and Chopin are also great for cats because of their calming effect.

In addition to these composers, other great classical music options for cats include pieces by Handel, Haydn, and Vivaldi. You can also find many classical music compilations specifically designed for cats. These collections often include pieces with a calming tempo and moderate volume, making them an ideal choice for cats.

Other Ways to Help Reduce Cat Anxiety

In addition to playing classical music, there are many other ways to help reduce cat anxiety. One of the most effective methods is to provide your cat with a safe, comfortable environment. This means making sure they have plenty of hiding places and toys to keep them occupied.

It's also important to give your cat plenty of attention and affection. This can help them feel safe and secure, reducing their stress levels and making them feel more comfortable in their environment. If your cat is particularly anxious, talk to your veterinarian about other methods of reducing anxiety, such as medications or supplements.

Benefits of Classical Music for Humans

Although this blog has focused primarily on the benefits of classical music for cats, it's important to note that it can be beneficial for humans as well. Studies have shown that listening to classical music can reduce stress and anxiety in humans, as well as improve concentration and focus. It can also help lower blood pressure and heart rate levels, making it a great choice for relaxation.

Tips for Selecting Classical Music for Your Cat

When selecting classical music for your cat, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose pieces with a calming tempo and moderate volume
  • Consider compilations specifically designed for cats
  • Don't play the music too loud
  • Make sure to play the music for at least 20 minutes


Cats can benefit from classical music just as humans do. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as encourage cats to play and explore their environment. When selecting classical music for cats, it's important to choose pieces with a slower tempo and moderate volume.

You can also find many classical music compilations specifically designed for cats. Ultimately, classical music can be a great way to reduce cat anxiety and keep them relaxed and engaged with their environment.



Improve your cat's quality of life with these simple tricks which you can implement immediately.